Maximizing the benefits of climate screens in cannabis cultivation

The aim of this guide is to deliver guidance on how to maximize the benefits of a Svensson screen. Only a rational application of our screens will bring you the expected benefits in terms of higher yields and lower energy costs.

The main functions of our screens, if you’re growing cannabis, are short daylength control (light deprivation), shading and energy saving. Furthermore, the screen is a valuable instrument for controlling the greenhouse growing climate. As these functions are interlinked, knowledge of greenhouse climate control is key.

In this guide, we describe the most optimal use of a Svensson energy screen. As most cannabis greenhouses are equipped with artificial light, the use of our screens will be discussed in relation to the use of lamps. We hope this document will help make your greenhouse operation even more successful, while providing insights on how to maximize the potential of your climate screen. In addition, our consultants will be happy to provide you with more information and grower specific advice.

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Interested in learning more about screen selection?

Climate screens offer a wide variety of benefits varying from energy savings to insect control. Set up a meeting with a Climate Advisor to discuss which screen is right for your cannabis greenhouse.