How could it be that soldiers in Iraq faced daytime temperatures of more than 40°C and yet woke with ice on their sleeping bags?
If that could happen to them, what could be going on inside your greenhouse while you sleep at night? And could that be connected to production losses, infections and slowed growth in your crop canopy?
Download our newest guide, the Thief in the Night, for the full story.
Is this thief in the night exacting costs on your greenhouse operation? Could you be missing out on the kind of results we've been seeing in an early-stage trial in Spain. Results like...
- 39% more fruit per plant?
- 18% increase in fruit weight?
- a whole degree of Brix sweetness?
- 16% taller plants?
- 42% more flowers per plant?
How can a crop lose its heat to the near-vacuum of space and what kind of climate chaos can that unleash?
Instantly download the guide!
In Thief in the night, Svensson experts explain the threat night-time heat loss poses to growing operations in hot regions. We provide our own experiences and strategies and we detail for the first time what our side-by-side greenhouse trials are showing.
So what do growers say? Well, Daniel Baños at Natural Baños puts it like this.
"Night-time temperatures have improved, both the minimum and average. Humidity during the entire day has also improved,” says Daniel Baños. “The advantage of having a screen is that we can open it whenever we want based on what the crop needs,” he adds.
Currently, Svensson is trialling a Harmony 3845 screen with Spanish grower, Jose Antonion from Agricola Gapemo. When we spoke to Svensson's local climate consultants about one third of the way through a new trial, the Harmony-screened crop (above right) was showing promising results.
"It’s clearly taller, there is more fruit, and the peppers are sweeter and have a thicker fruit wall – this is a salad pepper so these things are important,” said Francisco Usero.
Keep the thief in the night at bay. Early trial data shows why...
More flowers
In the greenhouse with the Harmony screen, 42% more flowers were present
More fruit
There were 39% more fruits for each plant in the Harmony-screened house
Taller plants
By a third of the way through the trial, the salad pepper plants were 16% taller
More product
Thicker fruit walls contributed to an increase of 18% in the fruit weight of the peppers